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Pre-Release Builds/Continuous Integration

We use GitHub Actions and AppVeyor to continuously build VirtualGL pre-release packages from the latest stable and development source code. These packages are built using the same procedure as that of our official release packages, with the following differences:

Refer to this article for information about pre-release versioning and code quality.

main branch (3.1.x Stable)

Un*x: Un*x Build status Windows: Windows Build status

(click on one of the build status images for more detailed status, history, and logs.)

New features/fixes are described in the change log.

Documentation for this pre-release is here

These packages are built against the latest 3.1.x release of libjpeg-turbo.

Linux Packages

Windows Packages (VirtualGL-Utils)

3.0.x branch (3.0.x Stable)

Un*x: Un*x Build status Windows: Windows Build status

(click on one of the build status images for more detailed status, history, and logs.)

New features/fixes are described in the change log.

Documentation for this pre-release is here

These packages are built against the latest 3.0.x pre-release of libjpeg-turbo.

Linux Packages

Windows Packages (VirtualGL-Utils)

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Page last modified on December 13, 2024, at 02:41 PM